iMapBuilder Online Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool

Creates interactive Google Maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

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User Guide > Embed Map to Website/blog/cms > Embed Map to Yahoo! Site Builder

Embed Custom Google Maps to Yahoo! Site Builder

Follow the steps below to embed the custom Google maps to Yahoo! Site Builder.

  1. Get the map embed code after creating the custom Google Maps.
  2. Open the Yahoo! Site Builder, and then open an existing site or create a new site.
  3. Open the page tap that you want to embed the custom Google maps.
  4. Select the Insert menu at the top > select Code Elements > select HTML.
  5. A HTML Code window will be popped up.
  6. Paste the custom Google maps embed code in the window and then click the OK button.
  7. Square-shaped resize handles will appear. Drag the image to the desired size and to the desired location, and then release the mouse button to confirm the editing.
  8. Select Preview in Browser to preview the website with the embedded interactive custom Google map.

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