iMapBuilder Online Cloud-based Interactive Map Creator & Image Mapping Tool

Creates interactive Google Maps directly in web browser, available anytime anywhere, no coding!

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User Guide > Custom Image Map

Custom Image Map

Cross-platform custom image maps, which are viewable in iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and other tablets, can be created by using GMap Editor V2.

  1. After login to iMapBuilder Online, select GMap Editor V2 in the Start Wizard >> Custom Image
  2. Enter Map Project Title
  3. Choose file to upload (*Supported Image Formats: JPG, PNG, GIF)
  4. Click Upload and Create Map
After you have uploaded the image, you can create the custom image map by using various tools in the GMap Editor V2. Remember to preview and publish the map once you have finished the editing.

Please also check the following video tutorial for more details in creating custom image map:

Video tutorial - How to create a custom image map with your own image

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